Friday, 8 March 2013

Technology changing society

The media is one of the one of the most important social institutions where the public learn how to interact with others, conduct themselves in public and lastly handle problems. Most people spend most of their time in social networks and children slowly but surely are getting accustomed to this way of life. Whereby social networks and technology are now part of our life styles and one cannot do without them. They have become a need.

When I was growing up I always loved playing outside with my age mates. Nowadays send a seven year old to go and play outside they will ask you what they are supposed to do because to them playing outside is boring and playing video games is much more interesting than interacting with their age mates. This further shows the impact of technology on our lives.

Women on the other hand have also been influenced by technology and social networks in the way they conduct themselves. Most women nowadays prefer dating online as compared to the olden tradition whereby they would meet up with men face to face and get to know each other that way. Dating online has proved very helpful for many because they is less stress and pressure from such a relationship. Movies like Double wedding have helped reinforce this point and convince women to take up that route.

Men have also suffered also in the hands of technology as we have cowards who do not have the guts to ask girls out face to face but have resorted to using social networks like WhatsApp, Facebook, Mxit and Binu. Even though technology has assisted in enabling people to communicate and express themselves it has also led to man being cowards and hiding behind technologies when it comes to expressing their emotions.

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