Life is a complicated web that even if you were to sit down one would never straighten and understand exactly what’s going on in one’s head. When making decisions people take in so many things in consideration; that is their emotions, how people will view ones decision and what the brain is saying. Taking a look at our soapy Isidingo we find these things that have been stated above. Today I will pay particular attention to Nikiwe one of the actors. Nikiwe discovers that she is pregnant with Frank’s child after they have broken up and she has moved on and is dating another guy. This new discovery baffle’s her as she is not even certain who the father of the child might be. These are one of the unexpected surprises that life throws at one as most women never picture themselves having children out of wed lock. In Nikiwe”s case it’s even worse because she is a successful business woman, who is intelligent people would expect her to be knowledgeable about preventing pregnancies. That is why she even drags telling her father because it is just so complicated she does not know where to start and is not even sure if he will understand.
When it comes to pregnancy people always look at ones status and knowledge before they condemn forgetting that everyone is human and makes mistakes. Instead of condemning people should learn to look past such things and help one put the pieces together and move on with their lives.
Nikiwe decides to keep the child hoping that this child will bring her close to Frank and at the same time she will continue to be a successful business woman but what she does not consider is that a child can change one’s life drastically.
Sometimes sitting down and thinking about past mistakes does not change them what changes them is what you do about those mistakes.